When Is It Time To Stop?

Episode 31 October 19, 2019 00:16:56
When Is It Time To Stop?
The Business Whisperer
When Is It Time To Stop?

Oct 19 2019 | 00:16:56


Show Notes

When is it time to STOP?When is it time to make a call on something that is no longer serving you, creating greater or aligned with you? But it’s a hard decision? This can apply to

-Jobs-Career Choices


-Business Partnerships

-Products you sell

-Services you offer

Even if its a source of income for you.

Maybe you have done it that way for so long, and you don’t want to rock the boat, or your avoiding a difficult or awkward conversation. You don't want to “hurt” someone by firing them, telling them something isn’t working anymore or not going ahead with a deal because it’s with someone you know or like!!

Here is my question? What is it costing you?

Avoidance often ends in tears! It will end up costing you more or when you avoid those whispers of awareness, when you avoid being fully present and listening to that gut instinct, that little whisper that something requires your attention, something that used to work, does not work anymore, that someone that used to work, isn't working anymore..... If you continue to ignore it, it often blows up in such a way that you can’t ignore it any more.

For me, the soft spot is always when it comes to relationships, I don’t want to hurt people or sometimes just not inconvenience them! But If your growth game is strong, so should your change game be. That means, if you are on the creative edge of personal and business growth, your business and your team should reflect that in their level of growth OR you it means you are outgrowing them and you should have a completely different team or moving on to a new business model... sooner than you think you do. If you are waiting until you feel “ready” for change, your waiting too long. If your avoiding putting a STOP to doing something that you know is no longer serving you, you are working against your success and something you may not be factoring in at all is the energetic leakage occurring in putting up with the situation! Energetic leakage, meaning your are losing precious energy, momentum and quantum leaps by having to put up with an environment or team that are not keeping up with you or more ideally propelling you towards growth rather than stagnation.

Remember, there are 3 ways that you can participate in The Business Whisperer Podcast each week:

Apply to be a guest and have a Business Whispering Session for your business that will be featured as an episode

Send in the topics or questions you would like me to talk about in the podcast episodes Let me know who inspires you as a business owner and what you wish you could ask them and I will do my best to get them on as a guest so we can all learn and be inspired by them! Contact here: http://dradeelaafiz.com/contact 

Want some more Business Whispering Magic? Check out the Business Whispering Audio Series: Conversations to facilitate business growth, money flows, revenue streams, authentic marketing and more. Enter code “PODCAST” to buy it for 50% off here: http://dradeelaafiz.com/product/business-whispering-audio-series 

Search for an upcoming Business Whispering Class or book a session here: http://dradeelaafiz.com/product/business-whispering 

Dr Adeela Afiz is an Internationally Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Global Body and Business Whisperer and renowned Coffee Addict. Check out more of the tools of Access Consciousness Here: www.accessconsciousness.com 


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