Welcome to The Business Whisperer Podcast! Today’s episode features Athina Bailey, Psychic Medium and Coach.
Athina is a kinesiologist, trance channeller and spiritual business consultant. Athina helps lightworkers activate their soul gifts and step into their purpose to create abundant soul-aligned businesses.
Based in Australia she teaches globally and has supported hundreds of lightworkers to activate their channelling abilities through her programs and go on to create successful businesses.
Pain, Blessing or Curse? What are the pain points in your life or business? Pain, whether in your body or life are indicators of...
The Visibility Wound is going to help you understand why you may be feeling stuck in your life, why your business isn’t growing and...
Healers, Practitioners and Coaches, what are your plans for 2023 to grow your business? Making the shift from “Business Owner” to Ceo in your...