If 2020 was disruptive, I think 2021 is potentially more disruptive because things aren't going back to the way they were. We have to innovate and come out better, stronger and more resilient.
In this episode of The Business Whisperer Podcast, we discussed:
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Have you been trying to live your life without including your body in the equation?⠀Money, business, family, friends, social life, work, holidays... trying to...
Remember, there are 3 ways that you can participate in The Business Whisperer Podcast each week: Apply to be a guest and have a...
In this episode of The Business Whisperer podcast, we discussed: Want to stay connected? Follow me below on social: https://www.instagram.com/dr.adeela_afiz/ https://www.facebook.com/DrAdeelaAfiz https://dradeelaafiz.com/