Miracle-Ready Mindset with Cathy Domoney.
This is a value packed episode where we sit down with mother of 6, business owner, best selling author and mindset and manifestation coach and mentor Cathy Domoney.
Meet Cathy Domoney, bestselling Author and highly successful Inspired Spirit Law of Attraction Coach and Manifesting mindset Mentor and Trainer who has been trained by Australia’s Number One, Award-Winning Law of Attraction Coach & Millionaire Mentor, Sandy Forster. Cathy has mentored clients worldwide how to find their inner-guidance, strength, skills, talents and gifts and she’s a founding member of the Association of Transformational Leaders (ATL Australia). Cathy started the Manifesting Mindset Movement and has guided clients to reprogram old habits that no longer serve them & remove blocks from their future dreams, progress & prosperity.
Cathy has over 20 years’ experience in Personal Growth and has learned from many of the world’s best life-teachers and philosophers and a wealth of personal experience and knowledge that makes her approach both personal and unique. She helps clients to reprogram their negative inner dialogue & create new habits of the body and mind FAST!
If you are looking for inspiration and practical tools to help pivot or pick yourself up in your life or business right now, don't miss this episode where we cover everything from parenting, bullying, manifesting and more.
Links to books: https://www.amazon.com.au/s?k=cathy+domoney&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
Website: www.cathydomoney.com
Ugandan Babies' Home Series: https://www.amazon.com.au/Damali-Sonrise-Babies-Home-Resilience-ebook/dp/B086WJWCQ2/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=sonrise+babis+home&qid=1586840068&sr=8-1-spell
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