Welcome to this episode of the Business Whisperer Podcast where we are joined by Wendy Saw. Wendy Saw is a rulebreaker, pioneer, out-of-box thinker, and creator. She was trained professionally as a commercial photographer. Her creativity has led her to step into audio/video production as well as graphic design. Her success in healing her body with Fibromyalgia has taught her the importance of eating and living consciously and has been on the journey of expanding her consciousness since.
Today, combining her creativities and holistic background, she successfully works with many holistic practitioners around the world with their sales and marketing campaigns. Join Wendy and Dr Adeela as they give you some behind the scenes insight into conscious content creation and how to do so in your own business.
Remember, there are 3 ways that you can participate in The Business Whisperer Podcast each week:
Want some more Business Whispering Magic? Check out the Business Whispering Audio Series: Conversations to facilitate business growth, money flows, revenue streams, authentic marketing and more. Enter code “PODCAST” to buy it for 50% off here: http://dradeelaafiz.com/product/business-whispering-audio-series
Search for an upcoming Business Whispering Class or book a session here: http://dradeelaafiz.com/product/business-whispering
Dr Adeela Afiz is an Internationally Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Global Body and Business Whisperer and renowned Coffee Addict. Check out more of the tools of Access Consciousness Here: www.accessconsciousness.com
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