This week on The Business Whisperer Podcast join guest Mahsheed Barghisavar, Mahsheed has been one of the most preeminent residential Real Estate Brokers in LasVegas Nevada’s Real Estate Market since 2006. She has had over $100 million in sales and is currently one of the top 1% of Real Estate Brokers in Las Vegas. Mahsheed has an extensive client base featuring those who seek the luxury lifestyle including heads of industry, celebrities, major lending institutions and foreign investors. This week we talk about her journey to creating authentic success all on her own terms, never giving up being herself and her words of advice about creating a conscious business, intuitively.
Masheed has an impressive list of awards and accolades including being named YPNs ( Young Professionals Network ) Top 40 under 40 Realtor four years in a row in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. In 2016 Mahsheed was inducted in the YPN Top 40 Under 40 HALL of Fame. Mahsheed received an award for “Woman of Brilliance” within the Las Vegas Community, from Deluxe Version Magazine. In 2017, Mahsheed was also named Vegas Magazines Top 100 Best Real Estate Agents in Las Vegas. In 2018, Mahsheed was named Best Realtor with the Silver State Woman’s Awards. Mahsheed was recognized with Americas Top 100 Real Estate Agents in 2018.
Mahsheed has created a successful business starting from NOTHING and built from ground up. Nothing was handed to her. Business owners you will love being inspired by this conversation about "having it all" in life and business.
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Dr Adeela Afiz is an Internationally Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Global Body and Business Whisperer and renowned Coffee Addict. Check out more of the tools of Access Consciousness Here:
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