Beware Of These Words!
*ALL the time!
*This ALWAYS happens
Generalisations skews perception and creates bias, creates urgency when there might not be any, and it reveals your weakness.
Be careful of statements you use such as -“this always happens” it may well create a different actions vs if you say “This has happened twice before and I want to be really aware of not creating this situation again”
Two other people I know are talking about this right now/doing this right now/investing in this right now VS Everyone i know is doing this.
Using these words and statements leaves you vulnerable to the power of suggestion.Get diligent about vetting your own self talk and speech to remove false perception, be more aware, have more clarity and create more choice!
Remember, there are 3 ways that you can participate in The Business Whisperer Podcast each week:
Apply to be a guest and have a Business Whispering Session for your business that will be featured as an episode
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Dr Adeela Afiz is an Internationally Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Global Body and Business Whisperer and renowned Coffee Addict. Check out more of the tools of Access Consciousness Here:
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